Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to Blogging Here

After a very long hiatus, I've decided to start blogging again here at "Let Mercy Lead."  I often have great ideas for sharing things that wouldn't really fit into the blog I write for the Catholic Post, the Catholic Post Book Group.  It always seems like my official writing should take precedence, and so ideas I might have had usually go by the wayside.  In addition, Facebook (and Twitter) has really become the place people gather on the Internet to share ideas and thoughts, but I occasionally find myself writing a status update that is too long for Facebook (and certainly Twitter), and want a way to share.

However, I've had terrible trouble writing and blogging in the last few months.  I'm not going to spend a lot of time writing about that, since it should be obvious that writing is hard work, but for me it's always been enjoyable and satisfying along with being hard work.  That's hasn't been the case recently, even when I write well.  After thinking and talking and praying about how to jump-start things and make writing a little more joyful, I decided that more writing, not less, is in order, but about a different range of things.  I hope it will make me more prolific and better in my "official" writing, as well as just happier all around.  I also hope to find out about more great things from others in the categories I plan to write about. And yet I still need a structure.

So the plan is to blog three-ish times a week.  On Fridays, I want to share "Favorite Things"--random things like food, clothing, places, etc.  On Wednesdays, I plan to share "What You Can Do with a Book," which is really sharing ideas we have used in our family and with the many, many book groups that I've run over the years.  I will enjoy sharing those ideas, and perhaps others will find the ideas fun to use. On Mondays, I plan to share a quote.  Since I was about 10 years old, I've collected quotes, but never been careful about keeping them.  I hope the blog will be a place to keep the quotes.

Later today will be the first "Favorite Things Friday" and over time I will work on re-design of the blog here.

I invite your feedback!


  1. I've had to do something similar over at my own blog, Not Strictly Spiritual. My "official" blogging at OSV Daily Take always comes first, so my own stuff falls by the wayside. I've started Foodie Friday, which is self-explanatory, and Manic Monday, which is a post on random thoughts, quotes, books, photos, etc., to give myself some standing posts that will keep me honest. Next week I hope to introduce Whimsy Wednesday. Now I just have to fill in with spiritual posts in between. :-)

  2. Mary, I think we must be related in some way, because after I come up with a good idea, it turns out you've already had it! Another example: earlier this summer I saw something about your family's "bucket list" poster just after we had made a summer poster with all the things we wanted to do at our beach vacation with cousins. Then I thought I must have seen your post last year about a summer bucket list and somehow filed it away in my mind without remembering where it came from...

    I haven't visited your blog in awhile and it was so great to reconnect there, and see all your great posts, especially Foodie Friday. And we're Catholic, so food is spiritual. I think those posts count in the spiritual column.

  3. Welcome back to blogging, Nancy! I love your schedule for Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays. I thrive on structure as well, yet I am miserably late or may even miss a week with my Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday plans on my blog. But, life takes over and if I miss a week (or two!), things will still be okay. I look forward to keeping in touch with you through the wonderful world of blogging!! God bless!!!

  4. Thank you, Katie! Glad to catch up with your blog. What a cute blond beautiful crowd you have!
