Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Entry In the Maud Hart Lovelace Challenge

I think I am too late to officially enter the drawing, but I still want to be part of the Maud Hart Lovelace Reading Challenge sponsored by the blog A Library is a Hospital for the Mind.  (now, that is a cool name for a blog).  I discovered this challenge from one of my favorite blogs, Here in the Bonny Glen by author Melissa Wiley, who wrote the forward to the newly released edition of Carney's House Party/Winona's Pony Cart. I cannot wait to re-read both of those books, as well as probably my favorite Lovelace book, Emily of Deep Valley
see what I'm sure is Melissa's excellent introduction to this classic.

So, here are my answers to the challenge questions:

1. Why I joined the challenge: Our whole family loves Maud Hart Lovelace
2. I will be re-reading Carney's House Party once the new copy arrives. I'd also like to re-read Early Candlelight, a grown-up novel Lovelace wrote that is not my favorite, but maybe needs a re-read.
3. I love everything about MHL's books. I am so glad to introduce my kids to these books at a young age, because in addition to being such great reads, they teach such life lessons in a gentle way that promotes rather than detracts from the growth of virtues.
4. I can't decide which I would hope to win: Emily of Deep Valley, because it is my favorite, or Carney's House Party, because of Melissa' introduction.  I'll have to go with Carney's House Party/Winona's Pony Cart, because it's two books in one!